Presentation Preparation for PowerPoint, Keynote etc.
The optimal way of preparing a presentation based on the charts, tables and other widgets from SAP Analytics Cloud (SAC):
biExport allows you to create a „Master Template“ for your PowerPoint and Keynote exports. It is a presentation based on your Corporate Presentation Master with a single „Content“ placeholder on one slide.
This „Master Template“ can be used with any dashboard or application. Both dashboard developer or the end user can choose in the application which parts shall be exported.
With one click, biExport clones this slide for each selected element and returns the presentation to the user. Then, the user can open PowerPoint or Keynote to enhance the slides, add comments or add additional slides.
In addition, the biexcellence addon „biAnalytics Office“ allows business users to:
- add additional visualisations that have not been part of the dashboard
- add additional data sources and visualize them
- refresh the document, so the changes to the presentation are kept